
Engineering Graphics - DFT 1200 Section AG

Fall Semester 1999

Wed. 7:15-10:00

Instructor: Rodger Tellis

Course Description

This introduction to graphical communication, analysis, and technique includes the use of instruments, lettering, drafting principles, geometric construction, orthographic projection, auxiliary views, sections, conventions, and pictorial drawing. This course is designed for drafting program student and others interested in its study, and is not intended for engineering transfer students.

Course Objectives

To give the student an introduction to the use of engineering graphics to represent engineering ideas and data as well as the proper use of drafting tools to create functional working drawings.

Schedule of Class Topics

  • Week 1 - Introduction, The Design Process, Drafting Equipment
  • Week 2 -Orthographic Sketching, Scales
  • Week 3 - Orthographic Sketching Geometric Construction, Quiz #1
  • Week 4 - Geometric Construction, Orthographic Instruments
  • Week 5 - Orthographic Instruments
  • Week 6 - Auxiliary Views, Sections, Quiz #2
  • Week 7 - **Mid-Term Exam**
  • Week 8 - Threaded & Misc. Parts
  • Week 9 - Dimensioning
  • Week 10 - Tolerances & Dimensioning, Quiz #3
  • Week 11 - Working Drawings
  • Week 12 -Working Drawings
  • Week 13 - **Final Exam**
  • Week 14 - Isometrics & Technical Illustration

Grading Policy

  • Homework 40%
  • Mid-Term 20%
  • Quizzes 20%
  • Final Exam 20%

Homework Policy

All homework is due by the next class date. Homework more than one class late will be accepted for grading, but will not receive credit.

Scoring of Homework

Homework will be scored on a 100 point grading system, with additional comments relating to the quality and accuracy of the work, based on neatness, and legibility.

Scoring of Exams and Quizzes

Mid-Term and Final Exams will be given at the times stated in the syllabus. Generally the content of quizzes and exams will parallel that of the homework assignments.

Required Drafting Equipment

Drafting Pencils

1) .9mm and 1) .5mm Mechanical Pencils or

1) 2H and 1) 4H Wooden Pencils


1) 30/60 and

1) 45/90

Architects and Engineers Scales

Bow Compass


Small Circle Template

Erasing Shield


8 1/2" x 11" Graph Paper 1/4" Grid

Playdough (recommended)

Points of Contact

Students can contact me through the following means:

By Phone: (301) 863-4406

By E-mail: Here

Weekly class handouts and course syllabus will be available on-line at These will be available approximately 24 hours after the class where they are presented

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